Why You Need Chatbooks in Your Life!

October 04, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Today I'll be telling you ALL about Chatbooks and how they have changed my life for the better!  First, let's back up a few years.

When I had my first baby, Instagram had just barely hit the scene.  I had an android phone, so I couldn't even have Instagram - which just killed me because of my job.  I had so many pictures I needed the world to see!  I had hundreds upon hundreds of photos on my phone, from my son's birth to his first birthday.  I backed them all up to my computer whenever I needed to free up some space. 

Cut to my third pregnancy.  I had an Instagram account, but didn't love the idea of posting literally everything my kids did from day to day - not gonna lie, my friends that posted 100 pictures a day, every day, drove me totally crazy.  I mean, I love you and your kids, but I don't care what they have for lunch every single day.

Then - my light bulb clicked on.

I had heard of Chatbooks, but never looked into them.  Once I learned more about Chatbooks and how amazingly awesome they were - my master plan hatched and my new journaling baby was born.

I made Instagram accounts for each of my kids.  They are private and only our family follows them - gotta keep those cute babies internet safe!  Wondering how to keep them extra safe? Check this out. 

This is how I started journaling like I should have been since my first son was born.  Not only did our family get to keep up on our kids and their lives, but my husband (who works out of town) could see what we did everyday and read the funny things they said.  

Each account is linked to my Chatbooks account and everything AUTOSHIPS!!  I don't even have to think about books.  I have the option to rearrange, exclude and edit any of my posts before my books print.  The app on my phone sends me a notification when one of my kiddie's books is about to go to print.  I go into the app, edit it if I need to, and my work here is done.

At the end of every day, or whenever I have pictures on my phone, I add them to Instagram and delete them from my phone. 

I also take photos of all the artwork my kids do in school.  Then, instead of keeping every single thing from the year, I make a custom Chatbook and print it at the end of the year.  Adios Clutter!!

Because I didn't have Instagram for most of my first and second babies lives, I made custom books of all the photos I had on my computer since their first day of life.  And Chatbooks automatically sorted them by date and made them into a book for me!!  Like, how do ever beat that? I'll tell you know.


It's just too easy, my friends!!  And so affordable!


Since I'm a pathological photo taker, I have Custom books for all of our trips, too.

I know you're dying to try them - you'd be crazy not to! It's so easy, and I feel like Super Mom because I journal like no one's business AND my phone is conveniently photo free - no more "Your Phone Is Almost Out Of Storage" warnings for me!  Jealous? You don't have to be!

Chatbooks, my friends!  

You're life is about to change!

For a FREE CHATBOOK - click this link -->  FREE CHATBOOK

Not only has it made my life a million times easier, but my kids LOVE them.  They get SOOO Excited when they see a little square green envelop in the mail!

AND.. yes there is MORE amazing things about Chatbooks!!  You can reorder or order more copies whenever you want!  My mom orders them for herself of our trips and my Kids Instagrams.  We even have a family Instagram account where we all sign in when we're on vacation and post all of our pictures.  Then we get those books for Christmas from my parents. 

AAAAAAND - it's another back up of your photos! You can never have too many back ups.  If you've ever had a computer crash, you know this to be TRUE!

I can't sing the praises of Chatbooks enough!  It is by FAR the best mom thing I've done so far.


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